Plating Barrel Danglers
Basic information

Barrel Danglers

Replacement of Barrel Danglers, or the contact tips, should be part of any ongoing plating equipment maintenance programme. A damaged or worn dangler can impede the plating process and add to production costs.

PreciseHeater Cathode Danglers for Plating Equipment

Polyurethane (PUR) plating cable

Highly flexible

Impact and twist resistant

Available in 16mm2 to 240mm2 (cross section)

PVC options also supplied

Dangler contact tips can be fixed or detachable

Contact tips supplied in mild steel, stainless steel, brass and copper

Detachable tips can be provided and are particularly useful for copper and nickel plating where the tips can become coated, resulting in reduced plating efficiency. The screw-in tips can be replaced without the need for a new dangler

Eagle danglers are durable and flexible to aid the efficiency of the plating process

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