PFA Immersion Coils Heat Exchangers
PreciseHeater Fluoropolymer Products is the leading solutions provider for extremely corrosive and ultrahigh purity applications. FPP products include fluoropolymer tubing, pipe, immersion coils and shell and tube heat exchangers. We have over 35 years of fluoropolymer experience and an extensive global installed base in a broad range of applications.
PreciseHeater fabricates products for heating, cooling and distribution of chemicals with no corrosion, fouling, contamination or interaction with the process media. By minimizing maintenance requirements and maximizing service life, PreciseHeater’s products help lower costs, improve operational reliability, and maintain heating/cooling efficiency.

Immersion coils are ideally suited for almost all metal finishing (plating) and metal processing (pickling) applications. The fluoropolymer tubes (FEP, PFA, and Q) is/are non-conductive, chemically inert, flexible, and tough. Most of the competition is not suited for, hot, strong sulfuric acid or fluoride-containing baths. In these applications, PreciseHeater immersion coils should be a clear choice. In addition, a few ppm of corroded metal can ruin many baths. PreciseHeater immersion coils should have an advantage wherever bath contamination is critical.
Advantages for PreciseHeater Immersion coils (Supercoils) in plating operations :
Electrically non-conductive- to prevent stray currents and short circuits.
“Non-stick” surface provides excellent fouling resistance.
The chemical inertness of fluoropolymer prevents stray ions caused by coil corrosion from entering the bath and upsetting the bath and current control.
Flexibility, toughness, and corrosion resistance result in minimal maintenance and replacement cost.
Immersion coils are lightweight and narrow, permitting easy installation and removal.
If repairs are required, they can be done by the customer, at his plant, without any special procedures or tools.
They are resistant to thermal shock, although some change-over time is required between heating and cooling cycles.
Advantages for PreciseHeater FPP coils (Slimline coils) designed for pickling applications. Spaced tubing; high efficiency with a lot of area in a small space. All wetted surfaces are non-metallic :
Good in all baths (HCL, H2SO4, & HF-HNO3).
They will not corrode.
Available fluoropolymer FEF resin or our proprietary “Q” higher performance material.
They minimize a narrow shape for minimum space requirements in tubes.
Spacers separate tubes for optimum heat transfer.
Available shape/shapes ranges/range from a tight “U” to completely straight.
More than 50 standard forms are available to accommodate a variety of tank designs.